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 A Journey from Foster Care to Faith

foster care

I can vividly recall the day I was taken from my mother's home, too young to understand the whirlwind of emotions coursing through me. The uncertainty of being placed in foster care loomed over me like a dark cloud, casting shadows of fear and loneliness that seemed to never go away. From the moment I stepped into that unfamiliar world, I was met with ridicule and cruelty from my peers, taunting me with words that cut deeper than any physical wound.

"You're ugly."
"You're dirty."
"Your own momma didn't want you."

unsure about life

Those words echoed in my mind, affecting me for most of my childhood.  I struggled to find solace

in a world that felt so cold. Nights were spent hungry and afraid, longing for the warmth and security of my mother's embrace. But the reality was harsh—I was trapped in a cycle of pain and abandonment, my innocence shattered by the harsh reality of my life.

As the years passed, I learned to build walls around my heart, shielding myself from further hurt and disappointment. Yet, no matter how hard I tried to bury my pain, it lingered beneath the surface, a constant reminder of the scars I carried within me. Even when I found solace in faith and accepted Jesus into my life at the tender age of 13, the wounds remained, hidden behind a facade of false strength and resilience.

It wasn't until I reached adulthood that the full weight of my past came crashing down upon me. The facade I had carefully constructed began to crumble, revealing the brokenness that lay beneath. I realized that the little girl who had been torn from her mother's arms all those years ago was still crying out for healing, my pain etched into the very fabric of my being.

I found myself caught in a vicious cycle of rejection, seeking validation and acceptance in all the wrong places. But no matter how hard I tried to fill the void within me, I soon learned that true healing could not be found in just people. It was a lesson I had to learn the hard way, as the devil preyed upon my vulnerabilities, using my brokenness against me.

Yet, in the depths of my despair, I discovered a faint but significant ray of hope by going deeper into prayer.  Through prayer, fasting, and submerging in God’s word, I was able to embrace the true love of Jesus and others. Listen, I have been committed to maintaining my freedom in Christ by remaining unburdened and unbothered!!!!!

My journey from foster care to faith has been fought with challenges and obstacles, but through it all, I’m stronger and more resilient than ever before. For in the eyes of my Savior, I am loved, cherished, and worthy of ALL good things.

So to anyone who may be struggling with their own brokenness, I urge you to look to the One who can mend even the deepest of wounds. For in Jesus Christ, you will find the healing and restoration your soul so desperately craves. And though the journey may be long and strenuous, know that you are never alone, for Jesus walks beside you every step of the way, guiding you toward a brighter, more hopeful future. Jeremiah 29:11 states For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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